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MERGE workshop call

A call for all MERGE participants covering workshops open for all MERGE participants. The call has a deadline in May and November. Workshop ideas that will be given priority in MERGE are:links between SITES, ICOS, ACTRIS, LPJ-GUESSWorkshop on exchanging ideas and discuss pros and cons of different models. –how to share data within MERGE and to the outside world.coupling - and more integration of m - 2025-03-15

Board and organisation

To lead the work within MERGE, the strategic research area (SRA) has a Programme Board and a Scentific Advisory Board. It also has a Stakeholder Reference Group together with its sister-SRA BECC. Programme BoardThe board has members from all of the collaborating partners.Senior lecturer Paul Miller, Department of Physical Geography & Ecosystem Science, Lund University (Coordinator)Paul Miller – po - 2025-03-15

MERGE guest researcher

Researchers affiliated with MERGE are welcome to apply for support through MERGE funds and facilities to invite guest researchers. The overall aim of guest researchers is to further strengthen research areas and research groups within MERGE. MERGE researchers are welcome to apply for support through MERGE funds and facilities to invite guest researchers to work in areas that fall within the scient - 2025-03-15

MERGE Short research Project

An annual call from Lund University but open to all MERGE researchers. An annual call from Lund University but open to all MERGE researchers. However, the call can only cover salaries for staff at Lund University. The call aims at a continued consolidation of the collaboration between research groups and major projects within MERGE. Connection to Bolin Center is seen as positive. The call has usua - 2025-03-15

EU, ERC and Horizon Europe support page

Here you find news related to Horizon Europe, ERC and other calls and events on Europe/EU-level, open calls for planning grants, early drafts for missions and work programme cluster 5 and 6. The page also includes an overview of support available for researchers connected to CEC, CEC Fellows, BECC, MERGE and/or LU Land during the planning and application phase. Click on the link below to get to th - 2025-03-15


As a researcher in MERGE you have access to world leading research infrastructure. LPJ-GUESSLPJ-GUESS is a process-based dynamic vegetation-terrestrial ecosystem model designed for regional or global studies. Models of this kind are commonly known as dynamic global vegetation models (DGVMs). Given data on regional climate conditions and atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations, it can predict str - 2025-03-15

MERGE expert list of climate researchers

Are you looking for experts within the climate modeling field? We are happy to help you find the right person. This is a list over some of the experts within MERGE with representatives from SMHI, Lund University, University of Gothenburg, Chalmers and Linnaeus University. If you do not find what you are looking for, please feel welcome to contact our communications officer Therese Ek: E-mail: ther - 2025-03-15

MERGE membership

MERGE consists of scientists at different stages of their career. On these pages we explain the different levels of membership in MERGE, present the nomination- and application forms as well as the benefits of being a member, and what is expected of you. MERGE consists of scientists at different stages of their career and is defined by its researchers. They are research leader, researcher or post- - 2025-03-15

Registration for Grand seminar: Aerosols and nature based system solutions

Name Email adress Your background and interests? Please specify what kind of background and/or interest you will join this Grand seminar with. Your suggestion for discussiongroup topic You are welcome to suggest topics for discussion (this is volontary) for prebooking tables Joining for lunch at IKDC (payed by you) Leave this field blank - 2025-03-15

Upload abstract for the Swedish Climate Symposium 2024

To submit your abstract, fill in the form below and attach your abstract as a PDF-file. Instructions for submittingPlease use our template to submit your abstract, indicating your preference for your presentation type (oral or poster). You should select the session that best suits your abstract. Abstracts that do not meet the requirements of the template, will not be taken into consideration.Downl - 2025-03-15

Registration to MERGE annual meeting 2024

Name Emailadress Participating day Please choose the alternatives that suits you for food and hotel booking. 11-12th Dec only 11th Dec only 12th Dec An old or a new poster - all are most welcome! I would like to present a poster This only applies when you participate 11-12th Dec, ticket valid from Lund C. I would like to go with the group ticket (train) Allergies and food preferences (vegetarian f - 2025-03-15

Annual reporting for MERGE senior researcher

Name Email adress New members who joined my research group in 2024 that work with MERGE-relevant issues and therefore should be included in the MERGE environment. State name, title (PhD student, postdoc, researcher etc) and preferably e-mailadress You may check with Lina or on their for Lund: LUCRIS/Research Portal page, for Chalmers: Research portal MERGE project  if they are already in the MERGE - 2025-03-15

Swedish Biodiversity Symposium

21 October 2025 10:00 to 23 October 2025 17:00 | Conference Welcome to Sweden's first Swedish Biodiversity Symposium - an interdisciplinary conference where experts and stakeholders in biodiversity come together to promote positive developments in the field. Swedish Biodiversity Symposiumis a science-policy interface orientated forum for communication, dissemination, and discussion of science-base - 2025-03-15

Hidden Sinks: The Overlooked Side of Arctic Methane

13 May 2025 09:30 to 14 May 2025 16:30 | Workshop Methane (CH₄) emissions from Arctic wetlands, lakes, and streams are well studied, but CH₄ uptake in well-drained soils remains largely overlooked. This workshop explores the growing evidence of CH₄ sinks and their role in refining Arctic methane budget estimates. It is well established that the concentration of the powerful greenhouse gas methane - 2025-03-15

Workshop: LinkedIn for beginners

17 June 2025 10:00 to 12:00 | Workshop This beginner-level workshop is open to researchers across all strategic research areas (SRA:s) at Lund University. With LinkedIn being a key platform for networking, showcasing your research, and connecting with potential collaborators, having a strong profile can be of great benefit. The workshop will begin with a presentation on Linkedin fundamentals and s - 2025-03-15